Post Abortion Support
Choices is a safe and confidential environment for those affected by abortion. Contact us if you or someone you know has had an abortion and is experiencing any of these symptoms:
- Alcohol and drug use
- Desire to get pregnant again
- Fear of Infertility
- Grief, a sense of loss
- Guilt
- Inability to bond with present or future children
- Loss of Self-esteem
- Preoccupation with becoming pregnant again
- Remorse or regret
- Reliving the abortion
- Stress, reduced ability to cope
- Suidical thoughts
- Relief, reduced anxiety
Post Abortion Support Group
Our P.A.S.T. Class (Post Abortion Support and Treatment) provides you with group leaders who have experienced your feelings and the healing for which you search. To put your “life puzzle” together again, you have to deal with your past. You will receive a workbook designed to walk you and the others in your group through the issues you may face after abortion. There is no cost for this confidential class.
You can begin healing today. You are not alone. Call our 24 Hour Helpline: 770-535-1245.